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Cost-of-living index

2,268Index point

February 2023

Consumer price index
Updated: 14/03/2023

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Fusce scelerisque odio nec odio posuere porta. Suspendisse potenti. Nam non aliquet felis. Mauris a odio odio. Curabitur mollis non erat ac tristique. In consectetur, mauris a varius elementum, magna magna molestie nibh, eu sollicitudin mi purus id neque. Vestibulum iaculis tempus lacus, quis porta massa rhoncus ut. (EN)

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UN indicators for sustainable development

The UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development defines 17 global targets that steer the promotion of sustainable development. These goals are measured with a group of indicators.

Data by region

We offer you regional and geographic information either as ready-made data or as products and services tailored for your needs.

Statistical Yearbook of Finland

Statistisk årsbok för Finland är en sammanställning av information och statistik om många olika ämnen, t.ex. befolkning, ekonomi, transport, utbildning, hälsovård, val, konsumtion och priser.

Research services

Micro data or unit-level data are available from Statistics Finland for scientific studies and statistical surveys.