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Employment rate


Employment rate is the ratio of employed persons to the population of the same age. The employment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 64-year-old employed persons to the population of the same age.

A person is employed if he/she has during the survey week been in gainful employment at least one hour against wages or salary or fringe benefits, or to make profit, or has been temporarily absent from work. A person absent from work in the survey week is counted as employed if the reason for absence is maternity or paternity leave, own illness or if the absence has lasted under three months. Employed persons can be employees, self-employed or members of the same household working without actual pay in an enterprise owned by a family member.

Key figures

Employment rate, persons aged 20–64

February 2023
Updated: 21/03/2023

Gross domestic product by quarter, volume series, reference year 2015

61,271Million euros
4th quarter 2022
Updated: 15/03/2023


Employment rate and trend of employment rate 2013/03 - 2023/02, persons aged 20–64


Referencing instructions

Employment rate [online publication].
Latest update: 21/03/2023. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 22.1.2025].
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