Quarterly sector accounts
Statistics related to topics:National Accounts
Sector accounts are part of national accounts. Sector accounts form a large, uniform whole consisting of the non-financial and financial accounts of each institutional sector. In national accounts, non-financial accounts refer to accounts that are used to describe the value of production activities of goods and ser-vices, and the income flows generated by this activity and their progress in the economy. Financial accounts are accounts that describe the stocks of financial assets and liabilities and changes in them. Real and financial accounts are linked to each other, because the deficit or surplus formed of income and expenditure in the non-financial accounts is visible in the financial side of the accounting system as an increase/decrease in assets or liabilities. This statistic focuses on the non-financial account side of sector accounts. It describes each sectors production, income formation, income distribution, income use and the net lending resulting from these transactions, i.e. the change in the sector's financial position. Financial accounts compile statistics on the financial accounts side of sector accounts.
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Quarterly sector accounts [online publication].
ISSN=2243-4992. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 15.1.2025].
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