Enterprise openings and closures

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
Statistics related to topics:Enterprises
These statistics are derived from data in Statistics Finland’s Business Register. They cover those enterprises engaged in business activity that are liable to pay value-added tax or act as employers. Excluded are foundations, housing companies, voluntary associations, public authorities and religious communities. The statistics cover enterprises of the state but not those of municipalities.

Detailed tables of the statistics are available in the StatFin database

You can find updated tables in the StatFin database. Extract the data you need into tables, view the data as charts or download the data for your use.

The archive contains the database tables that we no longer update.


Aloittaneet ja lopettaneet yritykset 2020, 4. neljännes | Release

Future releases


See key statistical data in the figures.

Enterprise openings (No.) in 2020Q3 to 2022Q4 by Legal form


Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.

Go to documentation of the statistics

Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Enterprise openings and closures [online publication].
ISSN=1799-2346. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 31.1.2025].
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