Statistics under the topic
- Agricultural and horticultural labour force
- Annual national accounts
- Bankruptcies
- Business restructuring proceedings
- Business Services Statistics
- Crop Production Statistics
- CVTS, Continuing vocational training
- Egg Production
- Emissions into air by industry
- Energy supply and consumption
- Energy use in manufacturing
- Enterprise openings and closures
- Environmental and energy taxes
- Environmental goods and services sector
- Environmental protection expenditure accounts
- Financial statement statistics on credit institutions
- Finnish affiliates abroad
- Fish Processing
- Foreign affiliates in Finland
- Foreign direct investments
- Foreign Trade in Fish
- Foreign Trade in Roundwood and Forest Industry Products
- Foreign trade of goods
- Forest industries' wood consumption
- Health and social services personnel
- High technology foreign trade
- Horticultural Statistics
- Index of turnover in industry
- Industrial output
- Industrial roundwood removals and labour force
- Innovation
- Insurance Activities
- International mobility of health care and social welfare personnel
- International trade in goods and services
- Investment service companies
- Labour cost index
- Labour cost survey
- Meat Production by Area
- Milk Production by Area
- Operating Profit in Non-Industrial Private Forestry
- Other entrepreneurship in agriculture and horticulture
- Private Health Care Provision
- Private Social Care Provision
- Producer price indices
- Producer price indices for services
- Production of electricity and heat
- Productivity surveys
- Quarterly national accounts
- Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity
- Research and development
- Statistics on business subsidies
- Statistics on cereal purchased, used and stockpiled by industry and trade
- Statistics on manufacturing and trade inventories
- Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises
- Structural business and financial statement statistics
- Structure in Agriculture and horticulture businesses
- Turnover estimate of large enterprises
- Turnover of service industries
- Turnover of trade
- Use of information technology in enterprises
- Volumes and prices in industrial roundwood trade
- Wood Consumption