High technology foreign trade

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
Statistics related to topics:EnterprisesDigitalisation
These statistics describe foreign trade in high technology products between Finland and other countries. The statistics contain data on imports and exports of high technology products, in full, by product group and by country. The statistics also present the shares of these products in the total imports and exports during a longer time period. The statistics may also contain international comparisons between Finland and other countries. The statistics are compiled from the official foreign trade statistics of Finland, produced by the Customs. Statistics compiled e.g. by Eurostat, the OECD and the UN can be used for the international comparisons.

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Description of the production, used methods and quality of the statistics.

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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): High technology foreign trade [online publication].
Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 20.1.2025].
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